I have had the privilege of attending and working with thousands of auction dinners throughout North America for over 20 years. Some had several thousand attendees, while others only had fifty or so. The articles that follow are meant to give an overview of how successful auction dinners are conceived, planned and managed.
For anyone who wants a complete "Developing
An Auction Dinner" package, complete with working manuals, workbooks,
sample forms and PowerPoint presentations, visit my Festival and Event Planning website.
Event Plan Implementation
6.Finance Table
A well organized and staffed finance table will take away the frustration of bid winners trying to pay for the items purchased. Attendees dislike having to stand and wait to pay their money. Organizing the collection of money is an important part of your planning. Make sure you have all the right tools (pens, pencils, calculator, charge card machine, computer, etc.) accumulated before the event starts. It’s best to make a check list prior to the event when there is no confusion and then to check it off at the beginning of the event to make sure you have everything you need.
7. Feature Artist
great to have a featured artist, artisan or donor. They are very important and
add a great deal to any event. Don’t make the mistake of not promoting the
featured guest to the maximum. Most of the people who become featured guests
are asked by many groups to help them out. The fact that the guest has chosen
your group to help is an honor and should be treated as such. Not only is it
good business to celebrate you guest, it is the right thing to do.
(To be continued)
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