Why an Interview,,,

Over the years we have been able to meet and talk with some very interesting people. They have shared with us their knowledge and have provided us with a great deal of insight as to how and why festivals and events work and why they are so important to our communities and to the Province of Ontario. With this in mind, we decided that we wanted you to meet and hear from some of the wonderful people who work so hard to provide us all with such wonderful Ontario Festivals and Events! We are pleased and proud to present "THE INSIDE SCOOP"!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

International Plowing Match & Rural Expo ~ Impact in your Community ~ Importance in our Society Today

Ontario Visited interview with
Virginia Govier
, Marketing Co-ordinator of the Ontario Plowmen’s Association, OPA

Ontario Plowmen’s Association Parent Host of the International Plowing Match & Rural Expo this September 17-21, 2013 in Mitchell Ontario, Perth County … interview with Ms. Virginia Govier, Marketing Co-ordinator of the Ontario Plowmen’s Association, OPATHE INSIDE SCOOPcontinues …
IMPACT in your COMMUNITY     ….. IMPORTANCE of the IPM in our Society Today! …..
I asked Ms. Govier, just how important is the “International Plowing Match & Rural Expo” and how does it impact your community today? Otherwise stated … Why do you think International Plowing Match & Rural Expo is an important part of our society and the community today and what role do you see as its importance? With enthusiasm Virginia shares … Besides contributing to their Mandate, as discussed above, the IPM helps generate $500,000 - $1 Million dollars in Revenues. The OPA and the Local IPM committee split the profits, and, that money is donated directly back, into the community, and into the ongoing pursuits of the OPA association. There are 48 local Plowing Matches held in communities each year with the culmination of the International Plowing Match & Rural Expo held each year in different communities across Ontario each year.
I asked Virginia Govier what challenges occurred with moving the location each year and how they overcame same. I was surprised by her response. Virginia believes that many festivals and events and fairs can get “burn out”. The “fairs” and local long time associations are being “squeezed” by new festivals, music and sports events included. All sorts of not-for-profit organizations are trying to get the space, location, visitors, sponsorships, donations, etc.

The big advantage for the International Plowing Match & Rural Expo is what they contribute to a community. They bring in the revenues as discussed above. Ms. Govier also tells us that studies show 10-15 million in added to the local the economic benefits through jobs, purchases made in hotels, restaurants, shops, and more. Check out the IPM website at (LINK). Stayed tuned for more “SCOOP” …

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