“Secrets & Techniques” …
THE INSIDE SCOOP is fortunate to obtain interesting SCOOP from Donna Stewart, Jazz & Blues in the Village, Festival Director and the Committee continues …
For many festivals and
events, it is critical to have volunteers! For this edition of THE INSIDE SCOOP I still have a few
questions for you here. Can you share with us some techniques on managing so
many volunteers? During the Jazz & Blues in the Village it
would seem the organizers would need to maintain their professionalism and
composure. Perhaps volunteers/vendors/visitors require your attention at peak
moments during an event (problems that need immediate answers). I wondered if you have a system to help you stay organized and could you share some
of your “secrets” with us! The reply …“Secrets and techniques: We have one person who is responsible for
organizing and scheduling all the volunteers.
There is a master list of over 250 volunteers and each year we start by
contacting that list to see who is available.
In most cases we have more volunteers than available shifts. Many of our volunteers have been with us
since the first festival, nine years ago.
Our organizational structure has a “weekend warrior” who is responsible
for each area in the park. (For example,
there is a “weekend warrior” in charge of main gate; one for the bar; one for
bar tickets; one for security; one for park setup; one for popcorn etc. There
are at least 12 of these weekend warriors who in turn are responsible for the
volunteers for their area. The weekend
warriors are available all weekend to help their volunteers. This frees up the committee members to deal
with any issues that arise and help out.)”
(To Be Continued)