Commitment (continued)
Will there be enough
volunteers available at event time?
That is why it’s important to determine
the size of your event, the type of event and when it is going to be held.
These will all be determining factors in your manpower (volunteers) plan. It
will also be a determining factor on whether or not your group can or are
willing to commit to the event you are contemplating. If the majority of your
group isn’t willing to be there for the event or you don’t have enough people
to man the event properly, then you may be finished before you start. Many
times event day volunteers don’t come from the ranks of the organizers. Once you
have determined your needs, it a good idea to put out the word… newspaper ad,
schools, other groups, etc… that you will need help for your event.
What are the positive and
negative features of your event?
Here’s the moment of truth. This question
involves taking a critical look at the event you are planning… the positives
and negatives. How critical can you be? You can’t just pass these over as
though they didn’t matter. How can you expect your group to commit to something
you have developed if you don’t take the process seriously? Seriously analyzing
your event, warts and all, is the only way to move forward and continue to move
forward to a successful conclusion. Here is your chance to shine.
What are your contingency
are a part of any event, especially a new one. What are they for your event…
heavy rains and/or winds… a snow storm… sicknesses… fire… etc. One of the
questions your group has to ask you is, “What if…?” You have to be fully
prepared to calm their fears and answer their questions… truthfully. Once you
can you that, you are on your way… go ahead, ask for their COMMITMENT!